Dr. iur. Benedikt Schneiders, LL.M.

Partner, Attorney at Law

Mediator, data protection officer (TÜV)


Business card

At Schneiders & Behrendt, Dr. Benedikt Schneiders has been advising companies in the areas of intellectual property rights, data protection and product liability since 2010. This includes the international registration and enforcement of intellectual property rights, the drafting of supply agreements and license agreements and acting as a data protection officer (TÜV). His additional qualifications in telecommunications and media law as well as Anglo-American law make him a competent advisor for cases involving international law. He also dealt with a European law topic in his dissertation. Dr. Benedikt Schneiders completed his legal clerkship inter alia at a United Nations court in The Hague (Netherlands).

Being a Managing Partner at Schneiders & Behrendt since 2015, he is also the contact person for all administrative employees and cooperation partners and manages the company’s development. The promotion of young talent is of particular importance to him and he regularly lectures in the fields of industrial property and copyright law at the Ruhr University Bochum.

Professional career

  • Studied law and additional training with a focus on telecommunications and media law at the Universities of Münster and Bochum, graduated in 2003, doctorate in 2010
  • Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Oldenburg, exam 2008, legal clerkship at the United Nations in The Hague (Netherlands), 2008
  • Training as a mediator and conflict moderator, 2002
  • Master’s program in Intellectual Property Law, University of Düsseldorf, Master of Laws 2012


  • Lecture series “Copyright and Industrial Property Law” at the Ruhr University Bochum

Memberships in professional associations and societies

  • Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR) (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
  • International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)
  • Arbeitskreis für Wettbewerbs- und Markenrecht Westfalen-Lippe e. V. (Westphalia-Lippe Working Group for Competition and Trademark Law)
  • Bochumer Kreis Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz e. V. (Bochum Association for Intellectual Property Rights) – Member of the Executive Board
  • Verein zur Förderung der Rechtswissenschaft e. V. (Association for the Promotion of Jurisprudence) – Member of the Executive Board
  • Deutscher Anwaltverein e. V. (DAV) (German Bar Association)
  • Deutsch-Polnische Juristen-Vereinigung e. V. (DPJV) (German-Polish Lawyers’ Association)
  • Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e. V. (Economic Council of the CDU)– Member of the Executive Board of the Bochum section
  • Rotary Club Bochum
Technical specialist fields

Data protection, Design law, Trademark law, Media law, Patent law, Product safety and product liability, Copyright law


German, English, French, Polish

Published articles

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